Frequently Asked Questions

What is KSPC's definition of "potty trained"

Our school requires all children to be potty trained before entering school. We ask that children are potty trained because we are certified as a preschool, not a daycare and the law states that we are not permitted to change diapers. However, we do realize that at this age children do have accidents. When this occurs we will change them if they are wet, but if it is a bowel movement, we will call you or the person on your emergency contact list to come change them (by law we are not able to change them). Occasionally, students begin the year in pull-ups. Our goal is to work with you and your child on this so they become independent in the bathroom. By the end of December we feel all children attending KSPC should be out of pull-ups and able to use the bathroom. If this is not the case, the teacher and director will meet with the parents to discuss the next steps.

What should my child have in their backpack?

We ask you to include in the backpack a complete change of clothes that is appropriate for the season. In addition, we ask that you bring a helmet in the backpack. Be sure to label EVERYTHING!

What are parent responsibilities at this cooperative?

Each parent is expected to sign up for one of our committees (see Parent Participation tab or click here). We also ask that you sign up to serve as the room parent for one month out of the school year. Room parents are responsible for providing 2 gallons of water, nut-free snacks for that month and playdough

Is KSPC peanut-free?

Yes, we are peanut-free and have a list of recommended snacks to use. Please be sure to tell your child’s teacher about any allergies your child may have.

Approximately how many children attend KSPC?

We typically have between 90 and 105 students each year.

How many classrooms are in your school?

One of the things that helps create the “family feeling” at KSPC is the fact that we are small. We have 5 classrooms and an all purpose room for gym class, music class and special presentations.

Does KSPC follow PA State Standards?

Yes, our school curriculum for 3, 4 and 5 year olds follows the PA State Standards. These standards are posted in the school hall. We also communicate with the surrounding school districts about what they would like to see from our preschoolers entering kindergarten. We feel confident that our preschoolers are receiving a solid foundation and they are being prepared socially, emotionally and academically for kindergarten.

What is the difference between the classes KSPC offers?

All of our classes follow the same curriculum for that specific age. What varies is the amount of time a child spends in a class (ex: 2 days vs 3 days or 5 days vs 3 days). Naturally, the children enrolled in 3 or 5 day classes will spend more time in the curriculum areas than children enrolled in 2 day classes.

What is the difference between the 5 day Pre K class and the 4 Year Old classes?

All of our classes follow the same curriculum for that specific age. What varies is the amount of time a child spends in a class (ex: 2 days vs 3 days or 5 days vs 3 days). I am often asked the difference between the 4 year old program and the pre k program. My answer is that ALL of our 4 year old students are pre k students who are being prepared to enter kindergarten. The difference is that the pre k class has children who are on the older side (5 years old by January1st) and spend more time at our school (the pre k class is 4 half days and 1 full day). They are being taught the same skills, but they spend more time on these skills. Also, because the pre k students tend to be on the older side, often they are developmentally able to do more. Does this mean that a pre k student is more prepared for kindergarten than a student in one of our 4 year old classes? The answer is NO, they have just spent a little more time at our school and they tend to be on the older side.