Community Garden Project

One of the many values our school tries to teach our students and families is the value of being a part of your community and giving back.  We do this by having our parent volunteers organize several community outreach projects each school year.  Candy Collection For Our Soldiers, Food Drives, and Clothing Collections are just a few examples of what we have organized over the years.   Our most favorite outreach project is the Community Garden Project.  KSPC has had a partnership with the Community Garden since 2016.  Each spring our students help to start seedlings in the classroom.  This is a fantastic learning experience which teaches our students about the growth cycle of plants.   Mid-May the entire school takes a field trip to Anson B. Nixon Park to plant what they have grown in the garden.  We then put out a Sign Up Genius to our entire school community inviting them to sign up to help weed, water and pick throughout the summer and early fall.  The items picked are  donated to the Kennett Food Cupboard so fresh, healthy fruits, vegetables and herbs are available to those in need.  Each year over 1000lbs of fresh produce are donated the Kennett Food Cupboard!  This is a truly wonderful learning experience for our students on so many different levels and we could not do it without the organization of Jen Belton and Christine Denno!  We are grateful for the support of our KSPC staff and families!